
He is a dedicated Master's student at Nanyang Technological University, specializing in multimodal large language model, image generation, and adversarial attack techniques. With a profound interest in the connections between different modalities, he is eager to pursue a Ph.D. in computer vision to advance AI reasoning from both a computer science and philosophical standpoint.

Motivated by intellectual curiosity and a commitment to innovation, he actively seeks opportunities to deepen his knowledge and contribute to the field. His ultimate goal is to develop AI technologies that bridge the gap between human understanding and machine intelligence.

In addition to his academic pursuits, he actively engages with scientific communities, collaborating with fellow researchers and staying abreast of the latest advancements. Through his multidimensional approach to research, he aspires to make a meaningful impact in the realm of computer vision and beyond.


  • 2023-08: Join MMLab@NTU as a Master student under the supervision of Prof. Liu Ziwei.
  • 2023-07: The release of Pair-Net, a strong one-stage model for panoptic scene graph generation, is available.
  • 2023-06: The release of MIMIC-IT, a multi-modal in-context instruction tuning, is available.
  • 2023-05: Graduated from NTU with a Bachelor of Computer Science degree.
  • 2023-05: The release of Otter, a multi-model instruction-tunned visual language model, is available.
  • 2022-09: Awarded Dean's List in Academic Year 2021-2022.
  • 2022-08: TransPatch, a patch-based framework for attacking object detection models, has been accepted to ECCV Workshop on AROW, 2022.